Friday, November 18, 2011

2 X 2 Snowman

Every Once in awhile I get creative. Thats also why I started this blog ... because when I get creative, I want to share it with you! So one day last month my friend Crystal says to me "want to join me at a craft fair" she works at the Hospital and who better to sell to, then the people at the hospital. Along with that question came my answer of Well sure of course... which then I panicked because I had NOTHING to sell! There were many panic moments after that until I actually got to the sale, but thats a whole nother post and maybe one for someone who is posting on say, procrastination. So Friday rolled around I made a trip to town and I went to Michael's where great crafting begins! I purchased paint, ribbon out of the dollar bin, paint brushes, scrap book paper, and craft glue. It was time to head home to let my imagination run with the wind. On the way home it started snowing. I knew then it was going to be a perfect weekend to let the kids feed off of red licorice and Doritos, turn my back on the mess and CRAFT!!! Saturday morning I told him that we are crafting and he better warm up his garage. I started making snowmen... and OHHHHH they are SO CUTE! If I must say so myself! Take a look at him ... he almost melts my heart!

Heres what you have to do to make it yourself

Wood ... I used a 2 x 2 because thats what was in the garage. You can use a 2x4 also and you can use a 4x4 which also looks really cute! Cut 3 pieces to the size you want. Make them look symetrical. I think my biggest cut on the 2x2 was 5 inches.

The Hat ... Cut the end off a board for the hat... make it thinner so you can stack it. for the brim I (as in he) cut something really thin, but if you have black felt laying around ... you could use that and I think it would look super cute. This is how mine looked once it was painted and glued together.

Nose ... I had some bead board from a past project laying around and it looked really nice and full of character with a little pumpkin paint and brown washed. For the size (we as in he)just cut it until I thought it looked to be the right size. Really??? Yes really ... this project was a fly by the seat of my pants hurry up get it mass produced sort of project so nothing was really measured out. But it should look something like this...

Body ... I painted all my pieces, piece by piece. I painted them some sort of white paint that I had in my paint box that the kids hadn't used all of it yet. Considering it was of some shade of white I mixed a light brown with it. Once that was dry I brown washed it with a dark brown paint. Same thing I used on the nose. I wiped it off imeadiatly and this is what I got ... before and after!
Assembly ... warm up your hot glue gun unless you are using the 4x4's then I recomend using wood glue. Start with the bottom piece and add each piece on after that. You should end with the little piece on top and then you can glue the hat on. I do strongly recomend this method as it looks silly with the hat glued to his back or nose glued to the top of his head ... not that I would ever do something like that!!! No, Never!!!! Your completed project should look similar to this ...
Embellish ...this is the fun part. I painted little black dots on his belly, used some tiny little buttons for his eyes. Michael's dollar bin ribbon for his scarf. You can embelish however you want. Use your creativity ... go hog wild! Finally you are done and you have a cute little friend to sit in your window!

Here is an example of what the 4 X 4 snowman looks like beside my little 2 X 2.

Oh and if you make one of these link me .... I would LOVE to see what you have done with this!